Element – Water
Direction – West
Theme – Broken
Season – Winter
Life Stage – Childhood
Time of day – Sunset
Location – Heart
Energy – Low
Impact – Negative
Aristotle, 4 sources of happiness – Dialogike (Logical investigation)
Hippocrates 4 humours – Mucus
Galen’s 4 temperaments – Melancholic
Paracelsus’ 4 totem spirits – Inspired undines
Adike’s 4 world views – Sceptical
Aristotle causes – Efficient
Adler’s 4 personality types – Getting or learning
Sprangers 4 value attitudes – Theoretic
Kretchmer’s four character styles – Anasthetic
Fromm’s 4 orientations – Marketing
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – NF Intuitive Feeling
Keirsay’s 4 temperaments – Rational
Tarot Suits – Cups
Archangel – Gabriel
Water water see the water flow
Glancing dancing see the water flow
Oh wizard of changes water water water
Dark or silvery mother of life
Water water holy mystery heavens daughter
wizard of changes, teach me the lesson of flowing
God made a song when the world was new
Waters laughter sings it is true
Oh, wizard of changes, teach me the lesson of flowing
God made a song when the world was new
Waters laughter sings it is true
wizard of changes water, water water
“Water Song”, Williamson, 1968
I have never been good at sleeping. I wake frequently through the night and struggle to get back to sleep. A fitness monitor tracked the minutes I spent in rapid eye movement, light and deep sleep. It also tracked total minutes awake and the number of times I woke up. Charted in radar form this data became the shape of my insomnia.
Tired eyes feel gritty and rough. The inside of Insomnia is a volcanic glaze that obliterates the form, changing reality.
The form has a hole at the base, rendering it useless as a vessel. I am useless without sleep.
Unrequited lists
The smashed porcelain pot is the lists of things I hoped to do. During the awake hours of the night I negotiate with myself, honing the list down into vital elements, discarding those which require the use of machinery or the ability to safely drive a car.
These things never get done, plans are smashed.
Locate passport
Do dishes
Unblock drain
Mend trousers
Do paperwork
Tax return
Sort out the attic
Repot plants
Deflea cats
Sort out will
Mow lawn
When I’m very tired I get clumsy.
After breaking, the fragments of the smashed pot of plans are sand blasted to resemble sea glass, referencing water and symbolising a sharp mind rendered dull and exhausted.