Currently working on...

five stars of wishes love, kindness, luck, growth, movement working in Knowle West

Knowle West Wishes is a creative project made by and for Knowle Westers that focuses on hopes and dreams for the future.

Each of the wishing stars has a different positive theme, such as love and luck to lift spirits and improve wellbeing in these difficult locked down times.

The project is designed and led by artist Lisa Cole and includes work and activities made by Knowle West artists Megan Clark-Bagnall, Claudia CollinsJulian Wood and others from the local community. Funded by Filwood Fantastic via Creative Civic Change and Imagination Funding from Bristol City Council.

belonging to a guild of micro galleries is very special

Founder member of the Guild of Micro Galleries alongside

We are a gathering of those who run Micro Galleries or are run by them.

Our aim is to exhibit art as part of a narrative that includes unusual audiences and locations.
