Cat army. Photo by Alexandra Davies UWE Fabrication Dept

Tiny Cat Gallery at UWE Bower Ashton

The Tiny Cat Gallery is a micro gallery housed in a cardboard recreation of a Georgian gallery. It is staffed and visited by small cats.   The Tiny Cat Gallery is at UWE Bower Ashton Library as part of an Artists Residency by Lisa Cole. There is an open invitation for students to add work to the gallery and/or to …

If you answer this riddle you’ll never begin

Earth water fire and air Met together in a garden fair Put in a basket bound with skin If you answer this riddle You’ll never begin “Koeeoaddi There” Williamson 1968 Premise It is not possible to know someone totally. We do not have the lived experience of each other. This project seeks to embody aspects of a personality into solid …

Happiness is the Snoopy dance

Animated gif’s give me a headache so I’ve put all the examples for this post at the bottom. That should stop them from flashing in your peripheral vision unless you scroll down to see them. None of the videos start automatically. What does happiness look like? I’m researching ways to make emotions and feelings into solid forms. For ‘rage’ I …

cut up photographs re writing our history really broke my brain

Cut-ups broke me (I didn’t know you could rollerskate)

I’m at the tail end of a Masters in Fine Art at Bath Spa University. The last module included essays, a short research journal and a longer theory essay. After circling, shark like around a meandering topic for some weeks I eventually settled on chance and creativity. I wrote short case studies of creatives who used chance in their practice …


View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lisa Cole | designer/maker (@lisa_cole_designer)

ThingBot – mangled Heidegger

  I can read Heidegger but it helps if I approach his writing like a novel instead of something that should make sense. I love his 1967 essay “What is a Thing?” because in amongst the nonsense words there are phrases that deeply move me in the same way that Milton or Blake can make me feel a shifting of …

Tangible Conversations: Permanent records of British Sign Language

The ‘Tangible Conversations’ project is a research collaboration between Bristol Robotics Lab, University of Bristol and members of the signing deaf community. It is funded by the Brigstow Institute via Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Impact Acceleration Award (IAA).  In Antonia Tzemanaki’s talk for the Brigstow Institute she mentioned that part of the French Deafhood Principles (The Paris …

one musical note and my mind made up new tunes than you La Monde Young

Notes on drone notes

Via the Velvet Underground documentary (dir.  Todd Haynes 2021) I found out about La Monte Young, the composer and performer who influenced John Cale to use long drawn out notes. Cale mentioned that when playing with Young they used drone notes tuned to the 60 cycle fridge (“The 60 cycle hum is the drone of western civilisation” Cale). This minimalist …

this research into the way we communicate in silence with signs

Sign Language/Deaf Resources

Pointed Questions with Brent Weinbach · Episode 19: Sign Language

Drawing machine #2 with support from Bristol Robotics Lab

I’ve been incredibly fortunate to gain support from the Robotics Innovation Facility which is part of the Bristol Robotics Lab. They have given me their time, expertise and advice to help me advance the original sound to pattern drawing machine I developed as a project for MA Design at UWE. Making patterns out of sound The original machine was cobbled …